Principles of the Method
Principles of the Method for the Accelerated Narrowing of the Gaps ("The Learning Campaign")
The accelerated narrowing of the gaps ("The Learning Campaign"), which is a miniaturized "structural change," is carried out through the creation of a new, small organization (in the school) and it operates "holistically" on the basis of the following principles:
A challenging, Pygmalion-style curriculum that is upwardly mobile and agreed-upon by all the partners
Measurable and time-limited learning goals
"Accelerated" learning
Reduced "anonymity"
Focusing on one subject on the curriculum or on a limited number of subjects
"Result-oriented" thinking
Development of a very high level of motivation – for defined time periods, before and during the learning process
Merging of the circles of all "significant others"
Change as a norm
Team work
Learning group – social group
A leader (coordinator) who spearheads the entire process and provides leadership for the students, the teachers, the team and the school
A curriculum that is agreed upon by the students, the parents, the school's administration, and the learning team
Small learning groups
Individualized, flexible and differential learning time
Individual monitoring of each student's achievements
A chain of successful learning accomplishments
Helping all students individually to reach their learning goals; no reopening of learning gaps
No homework exercises (in the initial stage, in order not to open new gaps)
Changing the learning environment, breaking routine and use of drama
External monitoring of the students' achievements
You are never alone!
Learning is always part of a group process
Providing an abundance of opportunities for success
© All rights reserved for the "Accelerated Narrowing of Gaps" Method ("The Learning Project") to Nissim (Max) Cohen, M.A., the method's developer.